
Comprehensive solution with controller and platform

Boost Benefits with enjoyelec



Energy Suppliers & Utilities

🌟 Offer innovative energy-saving solutions to increase customer retention.
🌟Comprehensive platform simplifies equipment setup, monitoring, and ongoing service.
🌟User-friendly interface enables efficient installer training.
🌟All-in-One, localized solutions provide opportunities to expand equipment offerings, boosting sales of energy devices.
🌟Reduce customer investment cycles while increasing market penetration of proprietary products.
🌟Enhanced technology for energy devices and a competitive edge through all-in-one control.
🌟Broaden product portfolio and market opportunities.
🌟Diversify business models for energy market entry.
🌟Diversify revenue streams with Demand-Side Flexibility for demand response and grid stability.
🌟Enhance energy data collection and analytics to increase customer engagement and loyalty.
🌟Seamless DERs integration enables intelligent energy asset control and allows customers to share in energy market benefits.
🌟Transition traditional energy services into smart, intelligent solutions.
🌟Quickly acquire home flexibility resources to expand DR business
🌟Automate demand response participation using AI forecasting and optimization.
🌟HEMS Controller provides rapid response, enhancing stability and flexibility
Cooperation Model