Virtual Power Plant

The cornerstone of a clean energy transition, delivering clean, reliable, and affordable energy for everyone.

Leveraging Distributed Energy for Power Solutions

enjoyelec’s Virtual Power Plant (VPP) integrates and consolidates a wide range of distributed energy resources, such as generation, battery storage, charging stations, electric vehicles, and solar systems. It delivers capacity and flexibility across diverse markets. Driven by AI, IoT (Internet of Things), and big data technologies, our VPP provides real-time trading capabilities and employs edge EMS control strategies to optimize revenue generation. It also offers value-based asset management and portfolio optimization to stakeholders.

Power Trading

Provide real-time access to day-ahead and intraday markets

Price Forecasting

Provide wholesale market forecasting services to reduce the risk caused by price fluctuations

Auto Bid

Automatically use different strategies to sell or buy electricity and maximize profits

Dispatch AI Algorithm

Optimize power dispatch schemes among different distributed energy resources

Virtual power plant provide critical support to the grid


Virtual power plants provide additional and diversified energy resources to grid operators and utilities

Grid resilience

In the face of temporary grid imbalances or blackouts, virtual power plants provide much needed relief to the grid to avoid service interruptions.

Emissions reduction

Virtual power plants can reduce energy used and avoid the use of peaking power plants, which are associated with high emissions output.


By adding more resources/supply to the grid, virtual power plants can bring down the overall cost of electricity to end-consumers.


Virtual power plants empower energy consumers by enabling them to participate in the market similarly to traditional power plants

Support renewables

Virtual power plants offer additional capacity to balance the variability associated with renewable power.

Add intelligence to the energy future


Accuracy Rate

Prediction Accuracy



Dispatch Tracking

Based on a 100MW/200MWh capacity participating in the power market, intelligent optimization of the investment portfolio is realized through multi-algorithm comparison and intelligent optimization of trading strategies to maximize returns.

💰The average daily gain over the past three months is $534.86.

⚡️Among these, enjoyelec’s AI market price prediction accuracy reached 85%, and the target scheduling rate accuracy reached 84%.

Integrate Demand Side Assets with enjoyelec

Use our solution to manage and optimize your energy assets across various classes and device types, enabling a cleaner, more sustainable and reliable grid.

⚡ Commercial and Industrial demand response

⚡ Residential battery storage

⚡ Electric vehicle charging

⚡ Back-up generators